In our experience at Greenville Pools, many people assume you have to have a big yard in order to install a pool. We are here to tell you this is not true, as our team can design and install a pool in even very small yards. However, many homeowners also assume a small pool wouldn’t be worth it. In this article, we will go over a few of the benefits you can gain even from small pools to help you decide whether you want to add one to your property or not.
- Recreation – One reason why you may be questioning whether small pools are worth it is that you assume small pools are less fun than large ones. While everyone has their own opinions on the matter, our team members assure you there is still plenty of fun to be had by swimming and relaxing in a small pool.
- Exercise – Many people also assume small pools don’t provide an effective means of exercise. While it’s true it’s harder to swim laps in a small pool, there are plenty of other ways to exercise in the water if fitness is your goal. For example, you can tread water or do water aerobics.
- Value – Lastly, even small pools increase property value. It’s true they don’t add as much value as a larger pool, but it’s also true they don’t cost as much to install. If you are concerned about what installing a small pool will do to your property value, don’t worry, as you will still be coming out ahead.
If you’re interested in learning more about the advantages of small pools or are ready to get started with an initial consultation with our team, contact our office today.